Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Championship

The inaugural Rock Star Poker League season is now complete. And the winner is…none other than the “Official” Rock Star himself, Willie Maul.

Points and chip counts meant nothing on this night as three of the top four places went to three of the bottom four in points entering the night. The average chip stack of the 10 players was 19,200 and the chip leader started with 26,900 chips.

Ricardo started the tourney second to last in chips with only 12,000, but still finished fourth. Larry started the tourney 7th in chips and was still able to hang in there for a 3rd place finish.

But the story of the night goes to Lanny, who entered the tournament as the short stack with only 10,000 chips. Five people started the tournament with more than twice as many chips than Lanny, but he outlasted them all and finished second. Unfortunately, he ended up going heads up against a real-life living legend…a Rockstar on a HNL (Hole Nutha Level!!!)

The last hand ended after Willie went all-in on the flop of K-10-Q. The Rockstar was holding a Jack, giving him an open-ended straight draw with 8 outs. Lanny had a pair of 10’s, but was drawing dead after a “9” hit on the turn, giving the tournament victory to The Rockstar.

We caught up with Willie after the tournament.

RSPL: So how does it feel to be the first champion of the RSPL?
Rockstar: It feels great. This was my destiny. It’s why I was put here on this earth! My Mom always told me I would be a champion one day.
RSPL: When did you know you had the tournament won?
Rockstar: Honestly, when I decided to start the tournament back in November, I knew I had it won. All the tournaments in-between was just passing the time for me.
RSPL: There was some tough competition in this tournament. Were you ever worried?
Rockstar: Worried…you dare insult me by comparing my emotions to that of a normal human! I am a Rockstar! I know no fear! I’m on a HNL!!! I knew there was nothing that could stand in the way of me and the Bracelet!
RSPL: What would you like to say to all of those who participated in the first RSPL tournament season?
Rockstar: Seriously…I want to say thanks to everyone for making this a great season. I had a fun time and hope everyone else had a good time as well. RSPL Season II is in the planning stages and we are looking to make it even better the second time around. Please provide any feedback you may have, so we can take that into consideration. Thanks again for making RSPL Season I a success!

Final Table Results:
1. Willie
2. Lanny
3. Larry
4. Ricardo
5. Telly
6. Cornell (blinded out)
7. Robbie
8. Tom G.
9. Eric
10. Kevin

Monday, March 26, 2007

RSPL Championship Tournament Details

Date: 3/30/2007
Time: 10:30 PM
Location: Telly's House - 946 Glenwood

It's now down to serious business! The Championship game is this Friday, March 30th. Note the time change. The tournament will be starting at 10:30 PM versus the normal 8:30 start time. This tournament will start on time. Chip counts and seats will be determined before the event. If you qualified for the tournament, but will not be attending, please let me know before Friday. Otherwise, blinds will start being posted at 10:30. One other change, the blinds will start at 300/600 and then follow the normal schedule.

To determine the chip count I had to go back to the RSPL official rules.

"After qualification, your QP and BP will be added together to rank each player. After rankings are totaled, the player with the lowest amount of total points will receive 1000 tournament chips. All other players will receive chips based on a multiplier of the lowest point total to their point total. (Example, lowest point total player =10, therefore they receive 1000 chips. 1st place player has 38 points, and therefore receive 38/10 X 1000 = 3800 chips)."

The chip count and payout information are listed at

Thanks to donations throughout the season, we will be playing for a total of 1100 points. There will be 4 places with 1st place receiving 50%, 2nd receiving 25%, 3rd receiving 15%, and 4th receiving 10%.

Good Luck to everyone!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Season Results Are In

The RSPL regular season has come to an end. Once the Championship is over, we will have logged 5 months of poker playing. It's been fun and entertaining. I want to thank everyone for coming out and playing. This was our first go at this and I think it played out well, but there's always room for improvement. Please provide feedback so we can make RSPL Season II even better.

Now to the results. The spreadsheet is updated at

Congratulations to Robbie. He finished the season as the regular season champ. It wasn't an easy win though. Robbie became the point leader after the 18th tournament, which was also the first tournament he placed 1st. He then lost the lead on the 19th tournament and had to at least place in the 20th tournament to take the lead back. He placed 3rd in the last tournament and edged out Telly by .1 points! The Top 10 (also the 10 qualifiers for the Championship tourney) is listed below.

Special Notes:
Highest Point Total: 43.8 (Robbie)
Most Tournament Played: 20 (Telly and Robbie)
Most Bonus Points: 24.7 (Willie)
Most Bonus Points per tournament appearance: 1.74 (Cornell)
Most Places: 10 (Telly)
Most 1st Place Finishes: 4 (Willie and Cornell)

Top 10
1. Robbie 43.8
2. Telly 43.7
3. Willie 42.7
4. Eric 36.5
5. Tom G 36.2
6. Cornell 30.1
7. Larry 28.5
8. Kevin 27.2
9. Ricard 19.6
10. Lanny 16.3

Results of Tournament Date 10

The last RSPL regular season event was a battle for supremacy. Robbie started off the night in 1st place for the season, but fell to 2nd after Telly moved into 1st with a 2nd place in the first tourney. Robbie rebounded in the second tournament, but couldn't outlast the short stack of Willie and placed third, putting him back into the lead for the season. Willie, who started the night in fifth place overall, won the first tournament and had a chance to take to the point lead after knocking out Robbie in the 2nd tournament. However, Cornell's 100 to 1 chip advantage was just too much to overcome. Cornell ended up finishing 1st and Willie finished 2nd, moving up two notches to 3rd overall. The tournament results are:

Tournament 1
1st Willie
2nd Telly
3rd Lanny

Tournament 2
1st Cornell
2nd Willie
3rd Robbie

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Standings Thru 18 Tournaments

The leaderboard seems to be changing every week now. Robbie now claims the top spot!

Qualified Players

It looks like we will have 10 players in the championship. Currently, 8 players are qualified, while two players are on the fence needing to play only 1 more tournament to qualify.

The next date marks the last regular season event. Then it's time for the big game.

Qualified Players:
1. Robbie
2. Telly
3. Eric
4. Tom
5. Willie
6. Kevin
7. Larry
8. Lanny

On fence with 9 tournaments played with only two to go:
9. Cornell
10. Ricardo

Results of Tournament Date 9

Both Kevin and Robbie got their first wins of the season as they flipped positions in both tournaments. Kevin won the first, while Robbie finished second. Then Robbie won the next tourney, while Kevin finished second. Telly also had two places, finishing 4th and 3rd.

The results from this past Friday are...

Tournament 1
1st - Kevin
2nd - Robbie
3rd - Larry
4th - Telly

Tournament 1
1st - Robbie
2nd - Kevin
3rd - Telly

Results of Tournament Date 8

Larry won his second tournament of the season, as Ricardo broke ground by winning his first of the season. Tom G's play was notable with two second place finishes.

The results from Tournament Date 8 are...

Tournament 1
1st - Ricardo
2nd - Tom G
3rd - Eric Grant

Tournament 2
1st - Larry
2nd - Tom G.
3rd - Kevin

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Standings Thru 14 Tournaments

Here are the standings through 14 tournaments

Results of Tournament Date 7

I hate that I missed the last tournament date! It was the largest turnout to date with 13 players in each tournament, including 4 new faces. Both Telly and Eric took advantage of me being out and moved into 1st and 2nd place overall, respectively. Eric won the first tournament and Telly won the 2nd. Also, Cornell's streak was finally snapped as he did not place in either tourney after winning 3 straight.

We are getting close to the end. There are only three more dates (6 more tournaments) before the championship. You must play in 10 tournaments to get invited to the Big Show. So far, the qualifiers for the championship are Willie (12), Eric (12), Robbie (14), Telly (14), Larry (12), Tom G(11), Kevin (10), and Lanny (10).

If you have played in at least 4 tournaments, you can still make it into the Championships. Kelly (4), Ken (4), Hugh (4), Rod (5), Ricardo (6), and Cornell (7).

The results from this past Friday are...

Tournament 1
1st - Eric
2nd - Telly
3rd - Tom G
4th - Robbie

Tournament 1
1st - Telly
2nd - Robbie
3rd - April
4th - Larry

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Standings Thru 12 Tournaments

The Quality Points column tells how many tournaments you have played in.

Results of Tournament Date 6

Friday the 19th marked the return of Tom G. He ended up winning one tournament and placing 3rd in the other. With the absence of Cornell, Willie was able to win the other tournament.

We are getting close to the end. There are only four more dates (8 more tournaments) before the championship. You must play in 10 tournaments to get invited to the Big Show. So far, the qualifiers for the championship are Willie (12), Eric (10), Robbie (12), Telly (12), and Larry (10). There are 3 more with 8 or 9 tourneys played.

Tournament 1
1st - Willie
2nd - Robbie
3rd - Tom G

Tournament 1
1st - Tom G
2nd - Ricardo
3rd - Telly

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Standings thru 10 Tournaments

Willie's still on top with Total Points, but Cornell is actually leading in Bonus Points. So far Willie, Telly, and Robbie have qualified for the championship.

Results of Tournament Date 5

Friday night, 3 new faces made their appearance at the Rock Star Poker League. Tom H. started off hot, but quickly fizzled, while the other two newbies, Ricardo and Ken started off slow and then got hot! Larry got his 1st placing by winning the 1st tournament. Cornell only showed up for one tournament and continuing his hot streak from the last poker night, he won that tournament, edging out Kevin in head to head play. Here are the results...

Tournament 1
1st - Larry Rowe
2nd - Ricardo Williams
3rd - Eric Grant
4th - Telly Ladoo

Tournament 2
1st - Cornell Longino
2nd - Kevin Rogers
3rd - Robbie Young
4th - Ken Bedford

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

RSPL Stats Thru 8 Tournaments

Rock Star Poker League Schedule

Date Game Buy-in
Nov 3rd No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Nov 17th No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Dec 1st No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Dec 15th No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Jan 5th No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Jan 19th No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Feb 2nd No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Feb 16th No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Mar 2nd No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Mar 16th No-Limit Texas Hold'em Second Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold'em
Championship Event Mar 30th No-Limit Texas Hold'em Free (by invitation only)

Rock Star Poker League

You think you got what it takes to be the next WSOP champion...You think you could take Jamie Gold heads up anyday...You think you are a Poker Rock Star...then prove it! The Rock Star Poker League is officially starting in November. We will be playing 10 tournament dates starting Friday, November 3rd. Tournament dates will be held every 2 weeks with a break during the Christmas/New Year Holiday. The Championship will be held on Friday, March 31st.