Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Championship

The inaugural Rock Star Poker League season is now complete. And the winner is…none other than the “Official” Rock Star himself, Willie Maul.

Points and chip counts meant nothing on this night as three of the top four places went to three of the bottom four in points entering the night. The average chip stack of the 10 players was 19,200 and the chip leader started with 26,900 chips.

Ricardo started the tourney second to last in chips with only 12,000, but still finished fourth. Larry started the tourney 7th in chips and was still able to hang in there for a 3rd place finish.

But the story of the night goes to Lanny, who entered the tournament as the short stack with only 10,000 chips. Five people started the tournament with more than twice as many chips than Lanny, but he outlasted them all and finished second. Unfortunately, he ended up going heads up against a real-life living legend…a Rockstar on a HNL (Hole Nutha Level!!!)

The last hand ended after Willie went all-in on the flop of K-10-Q. The Rockstar was holding a Jack, giving him an open-ended straight draw with 8 outs. Lanny had a pair of 10’s, but was drawing dead after a “9” hit on the turn, giving the tournament victory to The Rockstar.

We caught up with Willie after the tournament.

RSPL: So how does it feel to be the first champion of the RSPL?
Rockstar: It feels great. This was my destiny. It’s why I was put here on this earth! My Mom always told me I would be a champion one day.
RSPL: When did you know you had the tournament won?
Rockstar: Honestly, when I decided to start the tournament back in November, I knew I had it won. All the tournaments in-between was just passing the time for me.
RSPL: There was some tough competition in this tournament. Were you ever worried?
Rockstar: Worried…you dare insult me by comparing my emotions to that of a normal human! I am a Rockstar! I know no fear! I’m on a HNL!!! I knew there was nothing that could stand in the way of me and the Bracelet!
RSPL: What would you like to say to all of those who participated in the first RSPL tournament season?
Rockstar: Seriously…I want to say thanks to everyone for making this a great season. I had a fun time and hope everyone else had a good time as well. RSPL Season II is in the planning stages and we are looking to make it even better the second time around. Please provide any feedback you may have, so we can take that into consideration. Thanks again for making RSPL Season I a success!

Final Table Results:
1. Willie
2. Lanny
3. Larry
4. Ricardo
5. Telly
6. Cornell (blinded out)
7. Robbie
8. Tom G.
9. Eric
10. Kevin

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